Monday, October 21, 2013

Hugo [HD]

_This_ is why we go to the movies
Different people go to the movies for different reasons. Some of us want to be entertained. Some of us want to be dazzled. Some of us want to be engaged by a story, or by characters that stick in the mind after the film is done. Some of us want to be transported to a different time or place. And some of us want to see talented actors create a bit of magic in the hands of a masterful director. Martin Scorsese's Hugo does all of these things. It is, more than any other film I've seen this year, _why_ we go to the movies.

The film is based on the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. If you've read the book, then you know the story already, but for everyone else I am going to be careful here and not reveal anything that might spoil the film. I will say that Hugo is about many things, but at its heart, it is about obsession, discovery and how one person's story can lead to - and become entwined with - another's.

The film is set in Paris in the...
No-Spoilers review of the 3D movie and the coming 2D DVD
Few read reviews to find out whether the reviewer liked the film. They want to know whether THEY will like the film--to decide whether to see the movie or not, and whether to see it in the theater or wait and see the DVD (or the download). That's the task I'll take on here.

As the Rottentomato website has already shown (it assembles and correlates scads of reviews from the press and the web, along with reader responses), the critics adore this film, the audience somewhat less so.

Part of this has to do with managing expectations. The marketing presents Hugo as an Avatar-ish 3D fantasy with a C3P0 (StarWars)-type flying robot. this is actively misleading, though that's not the director's fault.

What Hugo is, is a fable--not a fantasy--that's part tween adventure and part infomercial for the preservation and viewing of old silent movies. Most importantly--and this is a point that hasn't been made by most reviewers here and elsewhere--it's a film about...
Early review on blu-ray 3D
I was able to legitimately get an early review copy of the 3D version of the Hugo 3D blu-ray. I am not reviewing the film. I am not reviewing the acting. I am reviewing the 3D. It is incredible. Every bit as engrossing as it was in the theater. If you own a 3DTV, you owe it to yourself to buy this movie. Sure, the film itself is not everyone's cup of tea, but if you're just looking for reference quality, mind-blowing 3D? This movie will suck you in from start to finish. You are a part of the world of Hugo, from beginning to end. And, honestly, no 3D has been this engrossing since Avatar. If you love silent film, film preservation, or cinema in general, along with your three dimensions, this will be the absolute must own disc of the year! Even if they don't like the movie itself, your friends will be impressed with the 3D FX. This is one of the few films released where you can genuinely and proudly claim, "This is why I bought a 3D television!" Enjoy.
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Back to the Basics Fitness Program

Finally, Fitness for All of Us
First, I have never been in the military, but greatly respect all who are or have been, and wish I would have been. Secondly, about the Back to the Basics dvd: my wife and I both needed to exercise more. My wife wanted me to exercise with her. Neither of us love jogging. Well, I did some of her exercise tapes with her. No, thank you. It did not take me long to realize that I got tired of "Step, touch," ballet moves, dance moves, or exercise programs with all women dressed in leotards. I came across this dvd while searching for one that my wife and I would both like. This is it. Both men and women are in the video, dressed modestly, all equal. Unlike some of the dance dvd's with 100 choreographed moves, this one is easy to follow. The cadence is great to keep time and stay up with everyone else. It is difficult, but not too difficult. It is a combination of cardio, strength, and more. One does not need barbells, dumbells, exercise balls, or anything else. I wish I could get an entire...
Showing results
Been working out with this DVD for alittle over 3 weeks and I am starting to see and feel results. It's a good beginning-intermediate level workout, I enjoy the military flare to it.
my opinion
Back to Basics is a great video if you need help getting into shape.
Whether you are planning to join the military or need encouragement to get back into the fitness groove this is great video for you!
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Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

Wait Until You See the Car
I won't be cliche and tell you that your mission, should you choose to accept it... You know the rest.

Without a doubt, this is the best of all the Mission Impossible movies, including the original. Over the years, the MI franchise had become something of a cartoon of itself. So, it seemed appropriate that Brad Bird should be chosen to helm MI4 Ghost Protocol. As the Oscar winning director of the Incredibles, he made animated cartoons seem very real. Now, he's made Mission Impossible real again. He's injected a fresh breathe of confidence, humor and camaraderie into a series that sorely needed it. He's not only re-invigorated the franchise, he's re-invigorated Tom Cruise's career as an action star. With this movie, Tom is back on top.

You'll notice that there is a lot of the Incredibles in MI4 Ghost Protocol. That's not only because of Brad Bird's influence, but because the Incredibles was a humorous homage to action films. You could say it's the IMF meets the...
5 star movie but 3 star blu ray disc
I think there are several reviews already with the same complaints but I just thought I would add my voice to the chorus.

No spoilers.

The Movie- 5 Stars
This movie has a ton of "hands-down" moments. Among them:
- Probably one of the best pure action movies I have ever seen. Yes, the plot is silly, but this is not a movie you walk into expecting it to change your perspective on life. It's just a fun and exciting movie which puts a very nice spin on the tired franchise with the Murphy's Law conundrums. Part of the fun is watching how Tom Cruise and team find their way around everything that the plot throws at them. One of my favorite sequences in MI3 was the Italy scenes where a daring heist is carried off flawlessly. In this movie, you have tons of heist scenes where absolutely nothing goes right and the movie still manages to find that tricky signature balance between action/plausibility/humor that carries the viewer from scene to scene with bated...
Updated for Blu-ray-Well made thriller from director Brad Bird ("The Incredibles") bodes well for his future as a director

A couple of things about the Blu-ray edition 1) Paramount has done a stunning transfer with nice depth, clarity and detail. Skin tones look quite nice as do textures. The audio is VERY active with a great losslss 7.1 mix.

Be aware however that the sequences shot in IMAX format are NOT presented in the wider aspect ratio for the film (unlike, say, "The Dark Knight"). Also this includes a code for a Ultraviolet "copy" which means you'll have to stream the film rather than upload it to your portable device. There's also a code for itunes as well if you go that route.

The special features are good for the two disc editions but I am a bit disappointed that we don't get a feature length commentary track from Brad Bird and tom Cruise but we do get Bird's commentary for the deleted scenes and alternate opening sequence for the film. We also get featurettes on the dust storm sequence (a truly amazing sequence in a film filled with them) as...
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Mary Poppins: 50th Anniversary Edition (DVD + Digital Copy)

Now available in a 2-disc DVD edition!
Mary Poppins may be =the= stand-out live-action movie that Disney has ever produced. Or will ever produce.

All the songs are very memorable. Who out there does not find themselves humming or even singing along with the likes of "Chim-Chim-Cheree" or "Spoonful of Sugar"?

Julie Andrews will always be remembered for her role as Mary Poppins, and Dick Van Dyke absolutely shines as Bert the Chimney Sweep. Van Dyke also plays the senior officer of the bank - and has his very best scene where he realizes that the punchline - "A wooden leg named Smith" - is funny. Andrews won an Academy Award for Mary Poppins, and the movie also won Best Visual Effects, and Best Music Score, as well as Best Song ("Chim Chim Cher-ee").

The scene where "I love to laugh" is particularly poignant. Ed Wynn died not long after the release of Mary Poppins, and shows some of his best comedy style in this scene. Very laughable.

The story is top-notch and has a wonderful...
Disney's Live Masterpiece Shines More Brightly than Ever!
"Mary Poppins" is one of that select group of films that can truly be called 'Classic', a project conceived in love and filled with so much child-like wonder that it will never grow old or 'out-of-date'. Certainly the crowning achievement of Walt Disney's remarkable career, the "Mary Poppins" 40th Anniversary Special Edition is simply magnificent!

Based on P.L. Travers' tales of a magical nanny who arrives to bring families closer, the rights to the stories had been pursued by Disney since 1938, but Travers had seen what studios had done to other authors' works, and withheld her approval unless she could maintain some creative control. Years of negotiations only whetted Disney's desire to make a definitive, truly 'special' film, and by 1960, despite the box office failure of another fantasy-themed 'pet' project, "Darby O'Gill and the Little People", he was more confident than ever in the story's potential, bringing together a remarkable array of talent, including...
Great for 1st Time Buyers; extras emphasize Broadway Musical
Is there really much new to say about this classic Disney film that helped launch the movie career of Julie Andrews? Probably not, but for the handful of people who haven't seen this film, this DVD is a must-buy. Strangely enough, Disney is not releasing a Blu-ray version just yet, so this edition will have to tide over video buffs until that occurs. The 1964 classic is based on the books of P. L. Travers, with a few Disney liberties thrown in. Travers' nanny, Mary Poppins, is somewhat more harsh and unpleasant in the books than in the film version. However, it is obvious that she is hiding a heart of gold inside and that she truly does love the children she takes care. Two of the children did not make the transition from the book, but they are definitely not missed. Julie Andrews is able to bring out the many facets of Mary Poppins without compromising the character, and of course her voice is legendary. The Sherman Brothers whipped up some of their most memorable tunes including...
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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amores Verdaderos

Best Novela
I loved Amores Verdaderos . I watched in CC3. I wish it didn't have to end. Maybe a sequel someday? I hope because I miss watching it. Best novela ever!!!!
Amores verdaderos
This novela is awesome!! You guys should all watch it! I love all the cast and the story!! So sad it's over though! :(
Comentario Sobre la Edicion En Dvd de Amores Verdaderos
No veo la hora de que llegue la Fecha para Comprar este DVD. Tengo muchisimas ganas de ver esta Telenovela.
Espero que el Resumen valga la pena.
29/9/2013: Tuve la oportunidad de Comprar el DVD En México, la Edición Mexicana, 1 mes y medio antes de que salga a la Venta En USA.
Me Gusto Muchisimo el DVD. Note una Edición diferente a las demas. Las Escenas son mas compactas, precisas y no tan largas, quitando dialogos que aveces resultan reiterativos y todo lo del relleno.
En cuanto al Elenco tiene de todos bastante, de los protagonistas y tambien de los personajes secundarios. El Resumen es muy dinamico, fluido y te mantiene muy espectante, siempre pasa algo diferente y es muy adictivo, tiene amor, drama, humor, y sobretodo mucha acción, siempre te quedas con ganas de ver mas para saber que va a pasar.
Cuando me llego el DVD revise minusiosamente los 4 Discos, busque una a una las Escenas que recuerdo cuando la vi por...
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Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: Kino Classics Special Edition

S-a-n-t-a C-l-a-u-s, Hooray for "Santy" Claus
It's the kookiest Christmas ever when Santa Claus is kidnapped by Martians in this "you have to see it to believe it" Christmas "classic." Maybe you've seen this movie hilariously skewered on Mystery Science Theater 3000, but you have to watch it on its own to truly appreciate it. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is just so bad that I can't help but love it, and that explains why I am giving this deservedly one-star movie four stars. The Martian get-ups are more ridiculous than Marvin the Martian's normal attire, the sets redefine the very definition of cheap, the acting is over-the-top and generally horrible, and Santa is - well, he's just a little bit weird, if you ask me. Every time the guy starts in with his distinctive laughing (usually for no apparent reason), I am reminded of the fact that Satan is spelled with the same letters as Santa.

Things aren't going so well on Mars. It's bad enough that the Martians are all colored a ridiculous shade of...
The best version on DVD.
This DVD from Intermedia (Woodhaven), is the best version on DVD. The print quality used is much better that that used on other DVD's.
A Jolly Yuletide Classic
Yeah, "It's a Wonderful Life" is a pretty good movie. However, the movie I joyfully watch every Christmas is about martians who, lacking a Santa Claus to bring joy to martian kids, kidnap Santa from Earth, along with two children. "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is almost sublime in its badness, and with painted-green martials in skintight suits, a Santa with a lewd chuckle instead of a "Ho Ho Ho," incredible wooden acting by the cast (one of whom is Pia Zadora), unspeakable special effects, and a horrible theme song, it is a masterpiece of the so-bad-it's-good school of film. Just TRY getting the theme song out of your head.
The DVD from Laserlight looks exactly as one would expect it - awful. The supersaturated colour scheme has not aged well, and looks very grainy. There are many scratches, but that only adds to the film's strange charm. Unfortunately, the first fifteen seconds or so of the film's opening credits are not on this DVD, depriving...
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Family Tree: The Complete First Season

A Big Hearted Eight Part Mockumentary Series About A Search For One's True Identity
The HBO series "Family Tree" is the latest endeavor by comic genius Christopher Guest (co-created with Jim Piddock, another terrific comedic actor). Guest has been in the business for decades as a writer, director and actor (shout out to Spinal Tap). For me, his artistic peak as a filmmaker came with his series of faux documentary features that began with 1996's "Waiting for Guffman" and carried on with 2000's "Best in Show," 2003's "A Mighty Wind," and 2006's "For Your Consideration." Guest's specialty in these films is that he really understands his subjects and has a genuine affection for them. Although absurd, they have an underlying tenderness and sweetness. He and his cast of largely improvisational performers (there is a somewhat regular stable) skewer topics such as amateur theater, dog shows, folk music, or the quest for Academy Award glory. Deadpan and droll, these features are both wickedly funny (especially Guffman and Show) and surprisingly truthful. Their humor...

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R.I.P.D. (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

The Dude kicks butt
This movie will not win any Oscars, I would guess, but it's a heck of a lot of fun.

Jeff Bridges was great, and It's nice to see a female star who is played as just smart, attractive and solidly in control rather than a brainless bimbo.

Ryan Reynolds does a solid job too. Great special effects.

I'd say a cross between Dead Like me and Men In Black.

Don't listen to the critics, this film was a blast to watch.
I Enjoyed the Performances
Interesting film depending how you look at it. This is not necessarily original or innovative film making. Yet, the characters sketched out save this film. There is good acting here. Great character studies. The surround sound was very impressive. What else are summers for? I liked it.
This Review Contains No Spoilers
I haven't read all the negative reviews, but I'm surprised that more people are not giving this movie 4 or 5 stars. I thought it was great. Jeff Bridges and Mary Louis Parker have great chemistry. Ryan Reynolds? I tend to agree with the reviewer who wrote that Reynolds just did not seem right for this movie. R.I.P.D is obviously a take on the Men-In-Black movies, but who cares? How many movies are its own version of Die Hard? The movie has plenty of action, and it also has some very funny scenes. I about lost it when Jeff Bridges describes what a coyote did to his skull after he died--and that's all I'm saying. Just know it's one of the funniest movie moments ever!! R.I.P.D is approximately 90 minutes long. I appreciated there were no scenes where I found myself wishing things would move on. It's a fun movie with lots of action, mostly good acting, and a sci-fi plot that was not overly far-fetched. Go watch it. You'll be glad you did.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013


Amazingly Well Acted
In a time of many various forms of what it is to be vampire, like in 'True Blood', 'Twilight' movies, and 'Vampire Diaries'. Byzantium is a refreshing take on vampirism. Like the movie 'Underworld: Awaking' we have a mother/daughter team that is trying find their own identity in the world. However, in Byzantium, we get the real deal. What we find is a movie that is portraying a real life relationship between mother and daughter who are fighting to stay alive. To the detriment of an all male vampire league. The strength of the movie comes from the acting abilities of Gemma Arterton and Saoirse Ronan, as the mother and daughter lead. In the world of the 19th century and in present time they both have to deal with a male dominated world. But in the end they find their own strength as women. Showing that women are just as powerful as men, intellectually speaking. However, the ending shows that there is the potential for a sequel. Like Christopher Nolan, if there is a sequel, I...
An original, well-plotted and well-acted vampire movie!
The concept behind Neil Jordan's film BYZANTIUM is compelling: A mother/daughter vampire story. The grabs the attention right away. Jordan as director makes in more interesting, and an eclectic cast that includes the rising Gemma Arterton, the unusual Caleb Landry Jones and the excellent Saoirse Ronan makes it a must-see.

BYZANTIUM is moody, atmospheric, often bloody, sometimes funny and always interesting horror tale. It is not a SCARY movie...nor is it trying to be. Vampires don't really scare anymore...but Jordan proves that they can be interesting subjects for story-telling. BYZANTIUM is also often very slow moving and isn't quite as gripping as it thinks it is. I enjoyed the movie, I guess...but in many ways I APPRECIATED it more than I loved it.

I don't really want to give away too much of the plot, because much of the film is really the slow telling of the backstory of these two vampires. The film is set in modern times and shows how these two make...
loved this movie
i really enjoyed watching this movie. it was a different take on the vampire and i found it interesting. i loved the ending, but i wish there was more to the story!
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Little Brothers, Big Trouble: A Christmas Adventure

Big Trouble
Dear Amazon, this movie came out last year.Walmart had this DVD in there store.I got a copy of it but I have not watch the movie.Who ever you get your new DVD and CD from you need to ask them why they will sell there new DVD And CD To walmart but not to you.They Also on there web site had the DVD Mrs Santa Clause but you don't have a copy of it in DVD.I also saw some Christmas CD That you didn't have in Stock but walmart and target had them.

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Agatha Christie's Poirot: Series 9

Finally coming to blu ray
I was beginning to wonder if the Definitive Collection of Poirot would ever come to Blu Ray Disc. The Early Cases did and are absolutely magnificent. If you havent seen the Early Cases on blu ray, you should. We were blown away at how great yhey looked and sounded. However, there is still series 10 which I'm wondering why it isn't released for preorder as well ( episodes "Mystery on the Blue Train, Taken At the Flood, After the Funeral, Cards on the Table"). In the Movie Collection, movie collection 6 is on blu ray, but not movie collections 4 and 5. Go figure. I hope A & E, and Acorn Media complete the entire series and movies in blu ray.
I was beginning to despair of this & series 7 & 8 coming to bluRay. series 9 saw the departure from the old formula but a compelling trend toward darker, even more character driven mysteries. all 4 are excellent: The Hollow & Five Little Pigs are superlative. I just watched Death on the Nile on my Aussie DVD [the only anamorphic widescreen versions at the time] for the umpteenth time; excellent stuff. October is too far away.

And there's this fine Belgian man who ties it all expertly together.
Five stars for content, one star for product!!!!
I eagerly ordered this DVD set of Season 9 Poirot with the expectation that it would play on my Blue Ray player as the other sets I bought of Miss Marple manufactured in Spain had done. You can well imagine my complete disappointment when it refused to play!! The Miss Marple and the Poirot DVD products are distributed by LLamentol, however the Poirot DVD set is labeled Euromedia Visión, whereas the Miss Marple DVDs are labeled Track Media.CAVEAT EMPTOR!! I shall be returning this set of Season 9 Poirot Blue Ray version to Amazon. In this case Amazon has left me VERY disappointed and receives one star for failing to state that this set is for European players. So where is the Track Media version for us Region 1 customers for this particular Blue Ray set of Poirot, Amazon????
Since I know the content of this set, I have rated the CONTENT with 5 stars. Poirot NEVER disappoints!
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WWE: Straight to the Top: The Money in the Bank Ladder Match Anthology

Straight to the Top - Content and Match Listing
Hosted by The Miz, the compilation features every Money in the Bank Ladder Match in history. The match debuted at WrestleMania 21 in 2005, quickly becoming a WrestleMania tradition and in 2010 proved so popular that it was given its own annual PPV event. Several top Superstars have been Money in the Bank winners including John Cena, Kane, Edge, CM Punk (twice!), Rob Van Dam and many more. 11 of the first 12 winners have used the match as a springboard to winning a championship, and several times the match has helped a Superstar who has never win a World Championship break through to claim their first. Much like the Royal Rumble Match, the Money in the Bank match represents a golden opportunity for a Superstar to achieve immortality, and its entire lineage is presented here.

(Participants listed in reverse order of entrance)

DISC 1 - Matches

A Revolutionary Concept

1st Ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Kane vs. Edge vs. Shelton...
Climb The Ladder...Grab The Case...Become Champion!
It started off as a simple concept only to evolve into such a signature match for WrestleMania year after year to the point where it's not only one of the most anticipated PPV's each year but also something you keep in the back of your head as you anticipate when the winner will "cash in." This concept is called "Money In The Bank" which is a multi-man ladder match where the object to the grab the briefcase which contains a contract that allows you to the opportunity to have a WWE/World Championship match whenever you choose for up to a year & it's resulted in some of the best ladder matches in not just WWE but wrestling period along with the "cash in" leading to some memorable moments so here's the anthology of each single match up to this point in time.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Christian - This was the first ever Money In The Bank match where the object of the match is to grab the briefcase at the top that contains a...

"Yesterday the official synopsis for the WWE Money in the Bank Anthology DVD was released. Today we have some more details to add.

First, we can confirm that this will be a complete compilation of every Money in the Bank ladder match to date, which for those wondering does include the first ever match from WrestleMania 21 in 2005 which Chris Benoit competed in.

There is no confirmation right now as to whether or not matches from the upcoming Money in the Bank 2013 pay-per-view will make the set but it is extremely unlikely those will be omitted, especially since the DVD is billed an `Anthology' and released late in the year.

Also, we're now able to reveal that exclusive extras contained on the Blu-ray edition will include "cash-ins" of the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Below is a list of all Money in the Bank ladder matches up to the present day. The total bell-to-bell match time...
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WWE: Straight to the Top: The Money in the Bank Ladder Match Anthology [Blu-ray]

Straight to the Top - Content and Match Listing
Hosted by The Miz, the compilation features every Money in the Bank Ladder Match in history. The match debuted at WrestleMania 21 in 2005, quickly becoming a WrestleMania tradition and in 2010 proved so popular that it was given its own annual PPV event. Several top Superstars have been Money in the Bank winners including John Cena, Kane, Edge, CM Punk (twice!), Rob Van Dam and many more. 11 of the first 12 winners have used the match as a springboard to winning a championship, and several times the match has helped a Superstar who has never win a World Championship break through to claim their first. Much like the Royal Rumble Match, the Money in the Bank match represents a golden opportunity for a Superstar to achieve immortality, and its entire lineage is presented here.

(Participants listed in reverse order of entrance)

DISC 1 - Matches

A Revolutionary Concept

1st Ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Kane vs. Edge vs. Shelton...
Climb The Ladder...Grab The Case...Become Champion!
It started off as a simple concept only to evolve into such a signature match for WrestleMania year after year to the point where it's not only one of the most anticipated PPV's each year but also something you keep in the back of your head as you anticipate when the winner will "cash in." This concept is called "Money In The Bank" which is a multi-man ladder match where the object to the grab the briefcase which contains a contract that allows you to the opportunity to have a WWE/World Championship match whenever you choose for up to a year & it's resulted in some of the best ladder matches in not just WWE but wrestling period along with the "cash in" leading to some memorable moments so here's the anthology of each single match up to this point in time.

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Kane vs. Edge vs. Christian - This was the first ever Money In The Bank match where the object of the match is to grab the briefcase at the top that contains a...

"Yesterday the official synopsis for the WWE Money in the Bank Anthology DVD was released. Today we have some more details to add.

First, we can confirm that this will be a complete compilation of every Money in the Bank ladder match to date, which for those wondering does include the first ever match from WrestleMania 21 in 2005 which Chris Benoit competed in.

There is no confirmation right now as to whether or not matches from the upcoming Money in the Bank 2013 pay-per-view will make the set but it is extremely unlikely those will be omitted, especially since the DVD is billed an `Anthology' and released late in the year.

Also, we're now able to reveal that exclusive extras contained on the Blu-ray edition will include "cash-ins" of the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Below is a list of all Money in the Bank ladder matches up to the present day. The total bell-to-bell match time...
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Scream Factory All Night Horror Marathon, Vol. 2 (Cellar Dweller, Catacombs, The Dungeonmaster & Contamination 7)

Scream Factory All Night Horror Movie Marathon Vol. 2
I'm going to provide some details since there aren't any here. Scores are from that movie site. ;)

Catacombs - 1988 - 4.4/10 - A demon has been trapped in a monastery for 400 years, now a girl has gone there to study and accidently unleashes it.

Cellar Dweller - 1988 - 4.5/10 - A cartoonist's creation comes to life and kills him and now a new cartoonist revives the old drawing, bring back the monster.

Contamination.7 (AKA Creepers) - 1993 - 2.0/10 - Radioactive trees attack a small town.

The Dungeonmaster (AKA Ragewar) - 1984 - 3.1/10 - A demonic wizard challenges a computer programmer to a battle of sorcery vs. technology and the programmer's girlfriend is the prize.

As far as I can tell, these movies are pretty much unreleased elsewhere and this is a good price for 4 not-so-gemlike flicks for those of us who dig our trash horror. I've seen them, they are trash, but fun. I could not find any specs but at this price we can pretty...
5 Stars for Dungeonmaster alone!
I have been eagerly awaiting the release of The Dungeonmaster on DVD for years! And the best part is it is the COMPLETE version! It will indeed include the "dream" sequence prior to the opening credits that was edited out of the VHS and theatrical releases. The other three movies I haven't seen but I guess I will when I get this DVD set! Now if Scream Factory can get a hold of the original Troll movie (the one with Sonny Bono and a young Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and Dolls, that'd be just awesome! And yes I know they have been released on DVD already but maybe Scream can get Blu Ray's of these and a possible Blu of Dungeonmaster in the future!
I can't completely recall the movie "Catacombs", but I do remember that it was one weird and wonderful, twisted and blasphemous little terror nugget. I have been waiting with great anticipation for it's DVD release, and hopefully rediscovery and appreciation, for a long time now. Several years ago when I met producer Charles Band, this was the one movie I asked about.

I have never seen these other movies, but they all have the potential of ooey, gooey, gory delight from the 1980's video archives. The images on the DVD are certainly provocative.
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Friday, October 18, 2013

Snow Queen

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Emma Kirkby in Recital with Christopher Wilson at Wigmore Hall

In fact, an excelent concert! The program is the Liszt's Funerailes and Chopin's Polonaises (6 of them). If you choose to zoom in the tape's photo you can see the program.

Maybe, Mr. Berman was not in his best performances... It's a 1992 concert, so he was finishing his brilliant carrier. But, this is not a problem, the tape is really good. I thought a very powerful performance.

The film, the prodution, including scenes and cameras are fantastic. I'm sure the public in the concert hadn't so good scenes as you can see in this video. Some parts, two cameras let you see the left and right hand at the same time. Mr. Berman play some of the bests polonaises, including the "Heroic". This last one, he play with no apparent difficulties, as he was playing something very easy. The Op.44 it's very powerful too. If you like Berman, this is a good option. I've never seen this video in other stores, something rare.
The unique VHS of Berman disponible in Amazon. He plays the Liszt's Funerailes and Chopin's Polonaises. His fortissimos has a great power. Only John Ogdon is competitive in strongly. Buy this because is [inexpensive.]

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Gatchaman Complete Collection

For this who don't know, this is indeed the uncut, dubbed (and subbed) version that ADV Films released a few years back. If you watched this show as a kid, you probably remember it as Battle of the Planets or G-Force. This is your chance to view it in it's un-altered, un-cut state. Truly a masterpiece worth collecting.
Anyone know?
Does anyone know if these are going to be in English or just subtitled in English? Hope so look forward to seek them
Thank you Section 23!
I do not have this item, but I am giving it 5 stars because I have been eagerly anticipating this release for some time now. I never got to purchase the ADV dvd releases from several years back, but the fact that this series is not only being re-issued on DVD but on Blu-Ray as well, simply makes my mouth water. I don't know anything about this particular distributor. I've never heard of them, but I'm going to assume that this will be all 105 episodes and I'm going to assume that they will do a bang-up job on them. With the announcement of a live action Battle of the Planets movie being released in Japan on August 24, 2013, I'm hopeful that a distributor somewhere will finally release Battle of the Planets: The Complete Collection (85 episodes) on DVD and perhaps Blu-Ray here in the U.S. soon. I know that it's available over in the U.K. as Region 2 DVD, but I'm talking about Region 1 for the U.S. and Canada. I have the 25th Anniversary Set that Rhino released back in 2004. Once again,...
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Monsters University (DVD)

Why the lessons in `Monsters University' are Pixar's most bold yet

If you don't care about the end being discussed, then by all means read on...

My wife and I saw Monsters University and both loved it. Many of the Top Critics on Rotten Tomatoes however, seemed to miss the point of the film entirely.

"This is a safe, predictable, edge-free, nearly bland effort from a studio that rarely hedges its bets." - Richard Roeper

"[It] conforms to [Pixar's] apparent drift toward the average, with toy sales taking priority over originality." - Liam Lacey

"Monsters University is cute, and funny, and the animation, though not exactly inspired, is certainly colorful." - Steven Rae

"Mostly memorable for being fine but forgettable." - Betsy Sharkey

Since 1995, Pixar has dominated computer animated filmmaking. They constantly win Academy Awards (9 nominations, 7 wins for Best Animated Feature) and are universally praised for their...
Pixar returns to its magical ways.
Dumb me! Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb me! All summer I put my faith and hope in the big blockbuster films, the Iron Man 3's and Star Treks of the world. And from Man of Steel to Pacific Rim almost without fail these over budgeted, underwritten explosiony action films left me feeling disappointed and underwhelmed. Except for World War Z there is not a single movie I've seen this summer that I can truly say was a great film. Some were better than others (Oblivion and Pacific Rim were both pretty good) but considering their competition was Iron Man 3 and Star Trek Into Darkness that's not saying much. All the while I put off seeing Monsters U for weeks. "It looks silly" I said, "Pixar has lost its mojo" the idiot side of my brain insisted. Well, that sure teaches me. I will never doubt Pixar again. Even if they make another mediocre film like Brave, they have more than proven themselves still capable of making a damn good film.

Wall E will always be my favorite Pixar...
Even though It's A Prequel, "Monsters University" Continues to Surprise Us With Profound Insights
***This review may contain spoilers.***

Like "Monsters, Inc.", "Monsters University" (MU) won't win any recognition for its originality. Relating the tale of the first encounter between all-eye green cyclops Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal) and blue, hulking, bear-like James "Sully" Sullivan (John Goodman) at the titular institute of higher "scare" learning, MU cribs all over the place. As other posters have noticed, MU borrows fragments of other college-themed movies like "Animal House", the Harry Potter movie heptology (seven films), and even a smidgen of "Back to School". Most tellingly, however, MU is heavily in debt to "The Hunger Games", since the meets held to determine which monster fraternities will be eliminated from the prestigious "scare curriculum" and even from the university take up the bulk of the film. MU robustly and hilariously satirizes the aspects of college and frat life you would expect, but later reveals unexpected insights about the limits of...
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Night Vision

Spencer (Darryl Dougherty) is a womanizing reality TV show producer. Lance (Ali Adatia) is trying to pitch him a new show, one where you watch a man's life get destroyed. The womanizing Spencer doesn't like it. Reality shows must have scripts because real life is boring. The show must create excitement, and people must believe it.

The film opens with thriller music as we see a woman(Noelle DuBois) hiding a suitcase. The music was far more exciting then what was on the screen. Later that same woman shows up at Spencer's door "selling cookies." Spencer invites her in and she films them having sex using his equipment. She leaves with the tape. (Who uses tape anymore?) Spencer believes the woman is certifiably crazy.

When the house loses power, Spencer discovers his security system doesn't have a temporary battery backup, like the one in my trailer. The movie turns into an abduction film.

I fell in love with Noelle during the film, but Dougherty's...

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Harrowing psychological family drama, a MUST SEE
I am a big fan of the on-going Film Movement DVD library of foreign and indie movies. This is the January, 2013 release in the Film Movement DVD of the Month Club, and will be released to the public at large in the months to come.

"Broken" (2012 release from the UK; 91 min.) brings the story of an 11 yr. old diabetic girl nicknamed Skunk (played by Eloise Laurence), who lives on a cul-de-sac in a very much middle-class neighborhood in Britain. At the beginning of the movie Skunk sees Rick, a young man living across the street, getting violently beaten up by yet another neighbor, Mr. Oswald. We later learn that one of Oswald's daughters, in order to save face, told her dad that Rick raped her, following which Oswalt in a rage pummels Rick. We meet other charachters like Skunk's immediately family (her dad is played by Tom Roth), and also Mike, the teacher and boyfriend of Skunk's live-in au-pair. Given the plot-heavy nature of the movie, to tell you much more would flat-out...
A fine independent movie. Touches the heart , especially for anyone with mental or developmental disabilities. A movie about different perceptions , emotional loss anger and ultimately forgiveness and love.
The Movie Was Real
I felt like this movie was a true story at moments because the characters lives seem so real, the gut wrenching pain and happiness that can collide together when trying to find your place in the world.
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Game of Thrones Seasons 1 & 2 with 3 Exclusive Funko Pop Vinyls (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)

Insane Show with All the Special Features
Great set. Item description does not include what the special features include. AMAZING!!!

Mad Men: Season Six

a minority view here at amazon--i still love it
i notice that after 280 reviews that this show has an aggregate rating of three stars. i've read some of the reviews and amazon viewers in general seem to be underwhelmed with the show. i have been reading post episode analyses online plus listening to NPR podcasts about Mad Men. this amazon view is not being repeated there nor do i share it. i like the series as much as i ever did.

take a look at the poster shown on this page for the show. that is don draper both coming and going. look at the signs around him and the disjointedness of the art work. it is not an uplifting poster! this season opens at the end of 1967 and then jumps right into 1968 and the country as a whole is coming apart, just like the poster. so it is not just don draper's world which is being torn.

at the end of last season, much was made of the woman coming up to don and asking him "are you alone?". much has been written about whether that meant don was going to return to being a...
Slow and Steady wins the race....
Every season, the show starts off like an empty flower bed, takes roots and then blossoms. This season is no different. I think it's funny when people complain that Don Draper has no character growth. He's f'ing Batman. He's Tony Soprano. He is not supposed to change, you are just supposed to understand him better. Hoping for some growth from Joan and Peggy this season though and for Pete to do something beyond lust and jealousy. Mad for Mad Men!
An Ever-changing Story
Mad Men has had its good seasons and great seasons (5) .... but I never tire of watching the complexities of the characters being played out over a changing America. Having grown up during this era, I applaud the accuracy of the production. Instead of flashing the year across the screen or something like "6 years later ....", small droplets of newscasts, conversations indicate which year it is. Their comments about the world around them are familiar. Regarding characters: Roger gets better with age, Peggy grows up, Don continues to evolve and Pete realizes that no matter what he does, he can never match Don in deed or misdeed. I'll be sorry to see this series end.
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Yo Gabba Gabba: Yo Gabba Gabba Christmas

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Prometheus Trap

Decent plot. Not affiliated with "Alien"
This is not the Alien prequel, Prometheus. That is a different movie by a similar name. Don't read reviews if you don't want to know the movie details.

The cover art certainly made no sense for this film. No aliens or battle droids. This is a "Groundhog day" type of plot in space where a sleeping crew is diverted to investigate a missing space ship to retrieve a mass destruction time weapon intended to wipe out a planet from time... namely earth (based on what I gathered from the female engineers motive).

The main problem with this movie is the poor audio quality. It is difficult to determine what is being said by anyone or anything. Lacking subtitles or closed captioning, there is no way to supplement the inability to hear the muddy dialogue.

It is also difficult to realize some crew are not human until the second android is found. It is nearly impossible to discern the physical location of the characters with the fog machines & odd camera angles...

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Magic City: The Complete Second Season [Blu-ray]

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Clear History (Blu-ray + Digital Copy)

A Lightweight And Broad Comedy From HBO That Allows Larry David To Be Larry David
When I heard that Larry David from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" was headlining the HBO production "Clear History," I was interested to see if he could expand his acting chops and develop a character not based on himself. The furthest he has ever ventured away from playing Larry David (not counting joke cameos such as The Three Stooges nun) was Woody Allen's "Whatever Works," but that really wasn't much of a stretch either. Any thoughts about a transformative performance were quickly dispelled in the first few minutes of this broad comedy. Sharing a screenplay credit, Larry David has once again written for his go-to character of Larry David. If you like this character, and I do, there are quite a few laughs to be had in this flight of fancy. If it's not your thing, however, I'd definitely take a pass. "Clear History," though, does wisely populate the cast with a number of game actors that really sell the piece from Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Bill Hader, Kate Hudson, Amy Ryan, Eva...
If you like Seinfeld & Curb Your Enthusiasm you will love this movie. I highly recommend this. Super Funny. I say A.
"You can't name a car Howard!" Nathan (David) is an ad executive who is the best at what he does. After getting into a fight over what to name a new model of car with his boss Will (Hamm) he quits. When the car hits big and makes everyone involved with it very very rich Nathan moves and changes his name. Ten years later, he is content and happy with his new life in Martha's Vinyard. When Will moves to the Vinyard Nathan begins to think of ways to get him to leave. His best idea is to blow up his house. First and foremost this movie is hilarious. But like I have said before I have a specific style of humor that I love. The humor in this one is very Seinfeld like, which makes sense since 4 of the 4 writers wrote for Seinfeld. There are long tirades and running jokes about which car should back up on a one lane road, the placement of electrical outlets and the band Chicago. I laughed a lot throughout. Overall, if you like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm you will love this movie. I...
3 1/2 stars for a funny and familiar Larry David
Note: This is a review based on a high definition viewing from HBO. There might be spoilers.

Nathan Flomm (Larry David) is a long haired and bearded marketing executive who works for Will Haney (John Hamm) the owner/inventor of a new electric car. Nathan was an early investor and owns 10% of the stock. When Will decides to name the car the "Howard," Nathan rebels. Will offers to buy back Nathan's 10%. The Howard becomes a huge success, although this car is so ugly it makes the Pontiac Aztec look like a Ferrari.

Nathan, unemployed and unhireable becomes the laughing stock of the country because his hasty decision cost him an estimated 1 billion dollars. He moves across county to Martha's Vineyard near Boston and becomes a clean shaven, bald companion to an elderly spinster. David brings his character from his TV show, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" with him to the role. Now known locally as Rolly, he shoots out constant zingers at his friends and others in the...
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition with Limited Edition Amazon Exclusive Bilbo/Gollum Statue (Blu-ray + UltraViolet)

Wait until Chrismas 2013
Almost clicked the order button, but due to my love of the extended versions of the original trilogy, I decided to do a little research before I made that mistake. in doing so, I discovered that the Blue-Ray/DVD set for release on March 19th will contain only the theatrical version of the movie. Warner Bros is including a teaser trailer containing Dragon Smaug with this version in order to entice people to buy it. The extended version of 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' will be released in time for Christmas 2013. As with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Warner Bros. is trying to stick it to the consumer again by hoping people will buy both versions. Sorry, WB... I can wait another nine months. In the meantime, I'll rent a copy to satisfy my urge to see it sooner.
The Hobbit Amazon Exclusive Extended Edition
Since Amazon doesn't list the release date (11/05/13) or have the special features detailed, here you go:

-The Filmmakers' Commentary - Director/writer/producer Peter Jackson and writer/co-producer Philippa Boyens provide their perspective and stories on creating the first film.

-New Zealand: Home of Middle-Earth - From Matamata to Queenstown, travel with Peter Jackson and his team across the stunning locations of New Zealand, transformed by the filmmakers into Middle-Earth.

-The Appendices Part 7: A Long-Expected Journey - A 14-part chronological history of the filming of An Unexpected Journey, covering pre-production in the various departments of the film in the months leading up to the start of principal photography, the boot camp training for the main cast, and the work done on set chronologically through the three shooting blocks and in the world of its digital effects. Chapters include:

*The Journey Back to Middle-Earth
What we can expect in the EXTENDED EDITION.

1. More of DALE, including the BLACK ARROWS. Director Peter Jackson mentions a previously unseen character: "Girion, who is defending [the city of] Dale using black arrows against Smaug. And the black arrows play a part in an ongoing story, for they are the one thing that can pierce the dragon's hide."

2. More king of the wood elves; THRANDUIL. Peter Jackson: "There are also issues with Thranduil. We get some of the reason why he and the dwarves had a falling out - to do with these white gems..."

3. More of HOBBITON. Producer Phillipa Boyens: "You are going to get more of Hobbiton. We always wanted to wend our way through Hobbiton, but in the end Bilbo has to run out of the door."

4. The OLD TOOK'S PARTY: In which we see a younger Gandalf meet Bilbo Baggins as a young child, convincing the wizard of the young hobbit's bravery and courage. I won't spoil it for you, but it involves a dragon and a bit...
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Name Is Nobody (40th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]

Quick Draws......
This review refers to the WHAM! DVD edition of "My Name Is Nobody"......

Who is faster on the draw than the legendary gunslinger Jack Beauregard(Henry Fonda)?.....NOBODY! (Terence Hill). That's Who! This is the most delightful western, that the whole family can enjoy together(there is some mild violence and language).

Jack Beauregard who has made quite a name for himself with a gun, just wants to slip away quietly on a slow boat to Europe. But it's easier said than done. There are others who would rather see him dead and young gunslinger Nobody is hired to do away with Jack. Nobody is so taken with the his idol though, that not only does he want Beauregard to live, but wants his legend to live on in history as well. The pair become the Odd Couple of the 1890's and you'll have a fabulous time watching their antics.

It is filmed in the wonderful "Spagehitte Western" style. Based on an idea by Sergio Leone("Fistful of Dollars" et al), directed by...
Funny but stangely touching
At the risk of sounding like a pretentious academic at a film school this movie works on a couple of different levels. Sergio Leone's movies always did. This movie is a satirical take not only on the Sphaghetti Western but also on many of the westerns being made in the late sixties and early seventies. Not by chance is this movie set in 1899 - the end of the Nineteenth century. Here you have the young man who has been raised on a steady diet of stories about his hero and his exploits against impossible odds. Now his hero is old and simply wants to quit while he can still enjoy his retirement. The frontier is just a memory and he wants to go. The young man won't let him - he's a legend and by god he'll go out like he lived - in a blaze of glory. Like so many of Leone's movies this little oddball comedy western is actually a take on the end of an era, memories, myth and reality. Yes it is funny with a couple really great comedic setpieces. The soundtrack by Morricone is both...
Funniest Western Ever
I have seen many comedy westerns including Cat Ballou, Blazing Saddles, and City Slickers. None have made me laugh harder than "My Name is Nobody". Henry Fonda plays a retiring gunfighter, Jack Beauregard, for the law while Terence Hill plays a comedic young gunfighter, Nobody, for good. His methods are quite different and should keep you in stitches more than once. The scenes at the Circus can't be beat. Although he is proficient with a gun, you never see him kill anybody to make his point. Did I mention the musical score by Ennio Morricone is great? As mentioned in a good review, laurie's boomer views, you can play just the soundtrack. I love Morricone's happy go lucky intro song , My Name is Nobody, and all the western themes that dramatize the scenes with Beauregard. I do hope this will be released on DVD in the US and for a lower price. The import quality lacks a little to be desired so I am hoping for a better transfer of the master in the future. The WHAM! version menu is...
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Under the Dome

Mixed Feelings
I just finished Under the Dome last month and was not aware a show was coming out. I think I would have enjoyed the pilot more if the book wasn't so fresh in my memory. King's website has a letter from the author regarding his thoughts on the show. He pretty much affirms that the book and show share only a title, some character names, and the town name. He seems to have given his approval. I like the idea that he suggests there will be an alternate ending; something that I don't think will really spoil the rest of the episodes.

However, every character seems to have gotten a major personality, role, and familial relationship overhaul. Some, like Barbie's, are hard for me to digest. Some seem unnecessary. Some seem like they have occurred because the show isn't on a cable network, where excessive darkness and gore would be more acceptable.

I have learned to believe that adaptations should not always be direct translations, but inspired by the original source. I...
This show Started out great, and seemed to have some potential. Then ended with a terrible finale that leaves you more angry than intrigued about having to wait for the next season to start. Very disappointing.
Moderately interesting story
I started watching this because I thought it was going to be a summer mini-series. I didn't have time to read the book, but it sounded interesting so I was excited to see that it was being made into a TV series. I must admit that I was really disappointed to hear that they have decided to stretch it out into a 2 or 3 year long show. It would have been nicer if it was just 8 - 10 episodes and then stopped. I can't imagine that it will hold my interest over several seasons.
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Bishop's Wife [Blu-ray]

Heaven Sent......
This review refers to the MGM(2001) DVD edition of "The Bishop's Wife"(1947)......

No Classic Holiday collection should be without this joyous tale. It stars a devine Cary Grant,a lovely Loretta Young, and a "doubting" David Niven.

As Christmas approaches, Bishop Henry Broughm is feeling the pressure of raising money to build a Cathedral. The money is out there, a wealthy woman has volunteered to contribute what's needed to complete the task. But...there's a must be done her way..and Henry must decide whether to accept and put his principles aside or decline and have no Cathedral. He is so preoccupied with this problem that Julia, his wife feels she is losing him. Henry prays for guidance...and it the form of one dapper angel..."Dudley".

Dudley has got his work cut out for him with this asignment. Henry is a tough case. But along the way of trying to enlighten the Bishop of the joys of life(not to mention all the hungry people...
A Gentle Classic
This genlte film, based on Robert Nathan's fine story, has the warmth of a cup of hot cider by the fireplace during a cold December day. There is something quiet and magical about it, like the hush of the world when it snows. Cary Grant and Loretta Young are a joy to watch together, their easy chemistry as welcome as popcorn balls and candy canes.

Directed by Henry Koster, with some nice photography from Gregg Toland, the screenplay by Robert E. Sherwood and Leonardo Bercovici captures perfectly the sentimental fantasy feel of all Robert Nathan's fine work. Cary Grant convinced producer Samuel Goldwyn to let him portray the role of Dudley rather than the bishop, and after seeing this film, it would be difficult to imagine it any other way.

Cary Grant always made everything look easy, but just how much work went into that illusion is exemplified by this film. Before shooting began, Grant could not ice skate, play the harp, or speak any French. By the time "The...
A Family Favorite!
This film is one of the best of the Christmas Classics. The Bishop's Wife tells a story of an angel (Cary Grant) who comes down to earth in answer to a busy Bishop's (David Niven) prayer. The angel helps the Bishop learn to adjust his priorities and comes close to falling in love with Julia, the Bishop's wife (Loretta Young). The movie includes a lovely Skating/ Dance scene that defies description. Make this movie a tradition for your family this year.
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Dexter: The Complete Series Collection

Great show, but wait until Black Friday to order
Some reviewers bemoan the high pre-order price for the Blu Ray set (about $320 at the time I'm writing this). Don't pre-order at this price. Wait until Black Friday, when Amazon offers many popular sets at significant markdowns. Last year on Black Friday, Amazon had The Lord of the Rings complete extended editions blu ray set for $49.99 (list price $120), and similarly steep markdowns on The Dark Knight trilogy and complete Harry Potter on blu ray, and many others. I wouldn't be surprised to see Amazon or other retailer offering the Dexter blu ray set for $199 on Black Friday or at some point during the holiday shopping season, and it would be a shame to have paid over $300 for it.
Absolutely Love This Show
Only reason not to buy this particular set is the clearly missing AIR CONDITIONER. I would totally buy this at this price if it came with a large fake air conditioner that had a place to store this set. Then people be like "why you have an air conditioner?" I be like "Because Dexter!!!" Then pull out my bluray slides. Come on guys
Dexter Ex-Fan...Series Finale ruined the entire show for me.
To each their own with Dexter. This WAS by far one of my favorite shows ever and yes there have been hit and miss story arcs, reocurring annoyingly flawed/unlikeable characters, and whole seasons for that matter. Then there is the whole La Guerta thing...if you read the first book..she dies...enough said. I would have loved the show even more if La Guerta had been left out and Debra was Lt from the beginning. Dexter in the first couple seasons was so meticulous, methodical, and scary. These last couple of seasons I have found myself saying...he had to leave hair, or blood, finger prints, or even saliva for that matter. This show often makes you think that the CSI Team is downright dumb in collecting DNA evidence. Yes Dexter may not be in the system, but for crying out loud there is definitely enough of his DNA that has been left pretty much everywhere since season 4. I will not provide any spoliers and I'm sure if anyone does read this that they have now seen the series finale. The...
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Mickey's Christmas Carol 30th Anniversary - Special Edition (DVD + Digital Copy)

Wonderful! Can't wait!
This is a great Christmas animated feature. Plus it does come with additional Christmas short cartoons. This will be a must have if you are a Disney fan.
Christmas Classic
This has always been one of my favorite things to watch around Christmastime. We had it recorded on a VHS tape when I was growing up and I was very happy to see it came on a dvd and then a blu-ray. The quality's great for a Disney cartoon (obviously much better than my old VHS version). Love it love it love it. Every family should have this one!
I'm curious. Does anyone know what the other holiday shorts are? I wish a Walt Disney Christmas & a Disney christmas gift are included!!! Those two along with carol were my favorite Disney holiday VHS movies!!!
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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Best Years of Our Lives [Blu-ray]

Billy Wilder said it best...
** UPDATE: This newly re-issued (January 2013) product offers NO improvement in picture or sound quality from previous DVD releases (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo). Beyond cosmetic changes to the box - this newest edition brings back the 1997 HBO Video interviews with Virginia Mayo and Teresa Wright and improves the look of the English subtitles - which were all left off the MGM DVD release in 2000. This 2013 release is a "must" ONLY if you want everything previously released - on one disc. Remember, the 1997 HBO Video issue was a "flipper" - part 1 of the movie and special features were on side one, part 2 of the movie was on side two. The 2000 MGM issue had NO English subtitles and NO special features other than an old trailer. The Samuel Goldwyn (2013) issue has the entire movie, subtitles and all the aforementioned special features on one side of the disc, with "no flipping" required. Still waiting for a Blu-Ray release for this outrageously neglected classic. (Older review about the...
A poignant drama that provides insight into post-WW2 America
"The Best Years of Our Lives" is a compelling dramatic masterpiece, and certainly one of the best films ever made. It's not as well known today as other pieces from the period, such as "Casablanca" or "Citizen Kane", but it is nevertheless a classic that deserves ranking with those same films.

This film paints a picture of the struggles of World War II servicemen that they faced AFTER the war was over. It was a more personal struggle of men returning home after being away for many years, and after experiencing horrors that their loved ones could never fully understand. They return home as changed people, and come home to changed lives.

The story of such a homecoming experienced by thousands of men after World War II is told from the perspective of three fictional characters: Captain Fred Derry, a bombadier in the Army Air Corps (Dana Andrews), Sergeant Al Stevenson, an Army infantryman (Frederich March), and Seamen Homer Parrish(Harold Russell). They happen to meet on the...
Comparisons of the two DVDs
The 4-star rating reflects the quality of the DVD only, not the movie itself (which is a 5-star). The picture quality of this DVD (the 2000 MGM-released version) is poor, much below the average expected from a DVD. The picture quality of the 1997 HBO-released DVD is slightly better. However, the 1997 version sometimes has annoying black lines running vertically in the middle of the screen. This 1997 release is the one that people complain about having to turn the disc over around the middle of the movie. Both the 1997 and 2000 releases are Full Screen format (contrary to what says about the 1997 release). Considering that the 1997 release costs about twice the price of the 2000 release, you would be better off spending your money on the 2000 release.
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Yu-Gi-Oh Classic: Season 2

Ecstatic to see this!
I have always considered the second season of the original Yu-Gi-Oh to be the best out of the whole series.
The first season will always have a special place in my heart but the rules for the duels made no sense whatsoever, Season three holds second place but I didn't really like the virtual world arc, Seasons four and five just weren't as good in my opinion, Season two on the other hand has a decent number of the best duels in the whole series and it was also when they started following the same rules followed in the real life game.
I've been wanting to get my hands on this season for years but the prices have always been so high that I couldn't afford them, now with a new release and a new price I can finally enjoy them once again!
The Best of Duels for the entire series
After the Duelist Kingdom match - Yugi and the others are hoping to get back to normal life, and also find out more about the Puzzle and spirit housed within. What starts out as a "date" with Taya is the beginning of new adventures and new revelations as Ishizu appears out them and Kiba advising they have a role in stopping a new evil from capturing three all powerful cards and the Puzzle and power within. But when Bandit Keith challenges Yugi to a duel, the new evil of Marik is revealed. Now Yugi, Joey, and Kiba must compete in Duelist City (run by Kiba Corp) to stop Marik and ensure the powers that he wants does not fall into his hands.

I agree with the other reviewer, this season is the best of the series. It has some of the best duels and some of the best story lines, from Serenity seeing, to the epic battles between Joey and Yugi and Joey and Odeon. Witness new cards, like trap destroyer Jinzo, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and my favoite Dark Magician Girl and relive...
I cant wait... It's been so long since i got excited for a series like this... Thank you for re-releasing this great classic
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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: A Pony For Every Season

Episode Listing
This DVD contains six episodes from the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic series. Amazon doesn't always do a good job on their DVD episode listings so here are the episodes that are included on this DVD:

1. Look Before You Sleep
2. Winter Wrap Up
3. Too Many Pinkie Pies
4. Wonderbolts Academy
5. Apple Family Reunion
6. Keep Calm and Flutter On

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Hannah Arendt

Arendt vs. "the banality of evil"
"Hannah Arendt" (2012 release from Germany; 109 min.) is NOT a biopic of the German "political theorist" Hannah Arendt. Instead, it brings us the story surrounding Hannah Arendt (played by Barbara Sukowa) in 1961 when she is hired by the New Yorker Magazine to cover the trial in Jerusalem of ex-Nazi Adolf Eichmann, who was famously abducted by the Israeli secret police in Buenos Aires to stand trial for his crimes/atrocities against the Jews. Arendt soon creates a controversy within her circle of friends, and later, when her articles are published, within the Jewish community at large, with her controversial, yet misunderstood, views on the trial. It was in those articles that Arendt coined the now famous term "the banality of evil".

Several comments: this is another historical drama, say along the lines of the recent "Emperor" movie. But there are differences. First, there is the amazing performance of Barbara Sukowa in the title role. She is simply outstanding. Second,...
A Movie about Hannah Arendt
Making a film about a philosopher presents challenges. Philosophers and the life of reflection are internalized and often require patience and discipline to understand. Movies for a wide audience tend to depend on action. Directed by Margarethe von Trotta and starring Barbara Sukowa in the title role, "Hannah Arendt" has the famous German-Jewish émigré philosopher as its subject. If understandably slow in places, "Hannah Arendt" is worthwhile. The movie played in an independent theater in Washington, D.C. to appreciative audiences. It is valuable that it will soon available and accessible on DVD, and that the film is now available for review and discussion here on Amazon. The movie is in part in English and in part in German, with subtitles.

Hannah Arendt (1906 -- 1975) studied philosophy in Germany and wrote her dissertation (on St. Augustine) under Karl Jaspers. She became an American citizen in 1950, and taught and wrote widely. In 1961, Arendt covered...
Expecting the exceptional.
I'm eager to see this. When I was much younger and still very impressionable, I read Hannah Arendt's final work The Life of the Mind (Combined 2 Volumes in 1) (Vols 1&2) which certainly made impressions that stayed with me, which opened, lured me to, many doors to so much more. In "The Life ..." she further examined, explored her famous phrase "The banality of evil": banality she called the absence of thought, and thought she called conversations in the head aided by imagination or images present in the mind but not to the senses. She provoked in my head conversations still going.

Von Trotta's film did not make it to the remote hinterlands where I dwell, and public television did not see fit to broadcast it. There was a time when foreign films and mini-series such as Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz (The Criterion Collection) were...
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Sunday, October 13, 2013


A very funny & entertaining movie that really makes a statement about brand marketing. I really enjoyed & highly recommend. A-
"Looking at a billboard is supposed to feel like love at first sight but it's not real, it's just marketing and without it you wouldn't even know who you are." Scat (Fernandez) is fresh out of marketing school with no prospects on the horizon until he comes up with an idea for a new energy drink. When he brings it to the attention of Six (Heard) he is excited at the prospect of becoming rich but a double cross changes everything. With the job I have I pretty much watch everything no matter what it is. I usually don't watch the trailers for the movie because I don't like when they give too much away. Doing it that way makes what I watch real hit or miss as far as how good it is. What I have noticed is that the lower budget movies that I haven't heard of are 99% of the time better then the "studio" movies. This is a perfect example of that. I don't know if satire is the right word but the movie to me shows how the marketing industry will do whatever it takes to sell a product and how...
Tons of fun
Based on Max Barry's first book. His 2nd book, "Jennifer Government", would make for a great action comedy. "Syrup" makes fun of marketing, relationships, and business management. Pacing is never slow, it's really a thinker's movie. I could see why it gets a lower-than-i'd-expect rating on IMDB - it might a bit too cerebral comedy for the average joe. I hope more people watch this.
Smart but real
I am that audience member that craves smart and witty writing with a dash of real life thrown in. Syrup is more than just about marketing or the guy trying to get the girl, but the people that chase dreams. Sometimes people get lost in a dream and sometimes people die trying to make that dream come true and for others their dream is seen for what it really is and what it holds. I found Syrup to be intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was definitely worth the $9.99 plus tax that I spent to rent this film.
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The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia

An exceptional Documentary!
This is a must-see movie for anyone with dyslexia. It is also a must-see documentary for teachers to help them understand diverse learners. This movie portrays the frustration and struggle dyslexics face in school as well as the exceptional ability and intelligence they possess.

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A glorious film of wonderful music. Really exciting. I have watched it a number of times already and am eagerly awaiting the soundtrack CD. It has opened up a fabulous new world for me. I have the Italian DVD and I can't wait for an English subtitled version to come out now as I would love to know more about what is being sung and said. And I would love it to have a director's commentary too. And maybe some extra numbers? Thank you so much John Turturro for this magnificent movie.
Joy and love
It has been a very long time, if at all, since I have watched a film that brings so much expression, ethnic diversity, and just plain, child-like fun. The artists are so authentic, and so in love with what they do; the photography and locations are a perfect backdrop to the lucious, voluptuous, soulful exuberance of a people and a place. Italy, for all its faults, is still the place to feel wholly in love with life; the food, music, and eroticism is joyous. Thank you to all who give such pleasure and playfulness. I carry this music around in my soul.
A perfect title
I loved this film. The passion of John Turturro lights up the screen. The music, personalities, and interviews are all deserving of this title. I've watched it a number of times and still have the desire to see it again. John T. says at the beginning, "Soon you'll be singing these songs," and sure enough I keep going back to hear them again.
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2 Guns (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

Fun and Involving
So these two guys are gonna rob a bank...This is sort of a Spy vs Spy, as two undercover agents from two different government organizations, neither of whom knows of the other's link to his real employer, rob a bank together, only to discover they have been set there is waaaaay more money than they expect. $43.125M!

Directed by Baltasar Kormákur ("The Deep" one of my favorites from the 2013 Seattle International Film Festival) and written by Blake Masters (Lots of TV) based on Boom Studio's graphic novels, this is fun all the way, with enough comedy to keep ME happy and enough action to entertain the screening audience.

We enjoy:
* Denzel Washington ("Flight") is Bobby, the steady, focused DEA guy whose patience is sorely taxed by his gabby sidekick.
* Mark Wahlberg ("Broken City") is Stig, an ebullient (and very funny) Naval Intelligence he's a GREAT shot!
* Paula Patton ("Disconnect") plays Deb, the beauty...
Entertaining buddy movie and action flick
"2 Guns" (2013 release; 109 min.) reunites director Baltasar Kormákur with Mark Wahlberg (they previously teamed up on another enjoyable crime action movie called "Contraband"), and for good measure Denzel Washington is brought along to co-star. The plot is pretty convoluted, and I don't spoil anything when I simply say that you shouldn't accept anyone being who they say they are. Apart from that, everyone is chasing $41.125 million in drug money.

Several comments: first, once in a while I need to see a great action movie, and this one certainly lives up to its billing. As the movie opens we see the characters played by Washington and Wahlberg observing a bank which they've decided to rob, from across the street in a diner. Some funny back-and-forth banter between the two ensues but before you know it we are in the middle of the hold-up, and its aftermath. Second, almost more important than the actual plot is the writing of the movie. The script is sharp from that...
Bobby (Denzel Washington) is an undercover DEA agent working with Stigman (Mark Wahlberg) who in undercover Navy Intelligence. Each thinks the other is just a bad guy. Together they rob a bank on orders so as to steal money from a drug cartel. This way the money can be seized as evidence in a crime and they don't need a warrant, as if that has stopped them before. Things become confused as the there is more money than expected.

The banter between Wahlberg and Washington is what makes the film. They are too cool together. It is a fun popcorn film with comedy, dark comedy, and plenty of action. Good characters in a plot that was predictable. Worth seeing after you have seen Reds 2.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, brief nudity (Paula Patton).
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Assault On Precinct 13 (Collector's Edition) [Bluray/DVD Combo] [Blu-ray]

Intense, Nail Biting Action
One should not watch this movie expecting the highly choreographed gunfight ballets that John Woo initiated & every other action movie has followed ever sense. This movie preceded all of that. The plot focuses on a small group of police officers and convicts fighting off a relentless street gang in an all but abandoned precinct. There are two central heroes of this movie: Bishop, a Black Police Chief who is new to the job & looking for a little adventure at the beginning of the film (a superior officer asks him "Do you want to be a hero your first time out?" "Yes, Sir," Bishop replies); and there is Napolean Wilson, a White man on his way to death row when the prison bus he is riding is forced to make a detour (check out this plot twist: another prisoner starts coughing & wheezing, nearly passing out, and guess what, rather than pulling a shiv on the cop who examines him, it turns out the guy is really sick! How often does that happen in a movie?)...
A classic "B' thriller is given a digital face-lift for blu-ray... but is it done right?
The film itself is three-and-a-half stars out of five; taut, eerie, violent, suspenseful and (best of all) fun, this is a fine example of a lo-fi 1970's "B" suspense-action thriller. At it's core, "Assault On Precinct 13" is a 1970's "grindhouse" feature with characters and a premise straight out of Howard Hawks and John Ford westerns. This was "B" film master John Carpenter's second feature (after the ultra-low budget amateurish sci-fi spoof "Dark Star"), and his terrific skill with suspense and atmosphere really became evident with this film; his use of lighting, shadows and darkness in the film are textbook examples of how to make a "B" suspense flick on the cheap. The music, another classic (albeit corny) John Carpenter synth score, also contributes considerably to the film's "B" movie goodness.

On the other hand, his handling of action sequences are merely workmanlike and competent, and for all the great (and not so great) films Carpenter would later go on to direct,...
They really don't make 'em like this anymore
Before there was Halloween, there was Assault on Precinct 13, John Carpenter's second movie and arguably his first masterpiece. Fans of his later work should be warned though, there's no traditional horror or supernatural elements here, just one of history's all-time great low-budget action movies. By now the plot should be familiar to just about anyone reading this review: a lone cop and a couple of lifers have to defend a virtually abandoned police station against a street gang's onslaught. However, it's what Carpenter does with this concept that makes Assault on Precinct 13 such an exciting and memorable watch. It's a brilliantly executed pressure-cooker of a movie, thrusting a few decidedly disparate people into an unimaginably dire situation and letting us watch them as they try to figure out what to do about it. Although Carpenter has made much of the influence of classic westerns on this movie (Rio Bravo in particular), there are also ample doses of the eerie minimalism...
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Divergence Eve: Complete Collection

Not what I was expecting
Before I start my review let me say that I picked up Divergence Eve hoping to add a nice fan-service anime to my library. This was because the series has been hammered due to its extremely well endowed female leads. To be hoenst the only series I know of with women that are even in the same league being Eiken an eihii series. I thought I knew what I was in for when I popped in the first disc. Mainly being a show more concerned about showing panties and cleavage then story line and such. However I was pleasantly surprised. Divergence Eve is actually a really good series.

One last thing before my actual review. Divergence Eve outside of jiggle shots, which there is no opportunity lost for, it only has the normal amount of fan fair. Meaning on two or three shots of a character naked and maybe one or two pantie and braw shots. In fact doesn't take a few chances for fan fair.

And finally my review. Yes I know it took me awhile. firts and most importantly Divergence...
4 stars for story, but minus 1 for no extras!
I rented the original release of Volume 1 of Divergence Eve from an online service, and even though the disc was defective (preventing me from watching the second half of Episode 3 and all of Episode 4), what I was able to see entertained and intrigued me enough to want to spring for the "Collection" when it was released.

Unfortunately, this is not the complete collection. Yes, all 14 episodes are here - but nothing else! Instead of simply duplicating the original discs for this release, ADV actually took the trouble of pressing new discs that don't include any of the bonus materials! No clean opening and closing animation, no audio commentary, no mini-manga, nothing but the episodes themselves. Sure, it's more economical to buy this set than the three original individual volumes, but it still boggles my mind that ADV went to the trouble (and expense!) of removing the extras from the "Collection".

As for the story itself: it's "hard" sci-fi (by which I don't mean...
Outdated Anime
First I need to tell you that the ending will leave you hanging. You should not view this as a stand alone series, but as Part I; the Misaki Chronicles Misaki Chronicles: Complete Collection'being part II.

Divergence Eve is based on the idea that if you have good computer graphics and plenty of over-endowed women, no one will notice if the plot is weak. Unfortunately the graphics are no longer cutting edge and the giant foot-ball shaped breasts are more comical than sexy.

The plot is slow moving. For some reason they stuck the second to the last episode first, presumably to give the show some action early on. The overall effect is to leave the viewer confused half of the time and the other half bored with the dramatic 'revelations' which were spoiled by the first episode. Even as such the plot draws you in, but the series simply ends with no resolution and with unresolved issues...
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