Wednesday, October 9, 2013


When I watched ***THE COVE*** documentary The Cove, the disturbing part was how could a group of people in this case Japanese, slaughter few hundred dolphins at a time and no one in their country would be outraged by their actions... This documentary discusses Sea World but to understand the impact of the Sea World, an American business on dolphins, killer whales, etc. as well as the Japanese, you need to watch another documentary called ***A FALL FROM FREEDOM*** A Fall from Freedom. The same way that many humans and businesses are nothing but disgrace, there are businesses like Monterey Aquarium which happens to be the most visited aquarium with no whales or dolphins that are a good asset and a great help to both marine and human life by protecting nature and educating the society in the most compassionate and caring way possible to those...
Powerful, Not To Be Missed
Everyone should see this movie to learn the truth about orcas in captivity. It's a terrifying, heartbreaking, well-constructed argument and the images and interviews will haunt you. I can't wait until an equivalent documentary is done about other forms of animal captivity like circuses and zoos, etc.
All hail Tilikum
Killer whales have often been referred to as docile yet extremely intelligent and friendly creatures, but Gabriela Cowperthwaite's documentary "Blackfish" puts a bit of a different spin on it. While Orcas may be friendly out in the wild, they're also extremely family oriented meaning that one killer whale can't be ripped from its natural habitat or its pack and be placed in a concrete pool with a bunch of other strange killer whales and be considered a family or be expected to perform for our amusement without any sort of backlash. "Blackfish" takes a look at what the possible psychological effects of what happens when an Orca is taken from its family at a young age and mistreated nearly its entire life.

"Blackfish" mostly follows a killer whale named Tilikum who was captured at a young age back in 1983 in the North Atlantic. While you learn about Tilikum's upbringing, "Blackfish" also shines light on how shady SeaWorld operates as several former trainers speak out about...
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