Saturday, October 12, 2013

Treme: The Complete Third Season

It's All Connected
'Treme', the third season, brought the characters, Hurricane Katrina, the plot lines of each person together to show the connections. We started out in season one with the after affects of Katrina, up close and personal. The hurricane smashed the city, the families, and lives of it's inhabitants. Season one told their stories, season two told of their efforts to reclaim, and, now, season three shows us how they are all connected.

Treme is a series based on New Orleans musicians. It brings us a series of characters who are musicians or work with them, or have a place where musicians congregate. Music is the basis of the parade. When I think of New Orleans, I think of the parades, and 'Treme' three is a parade. A journalist shows up to help a lawyer follow the leads to a murderer, a down and out former addict musician finds his way to sobriety, a chef moves back from New York to her own restaurant, a bar owner tries to find her rapist, a young student wants to find her...
I will not include any spoilers in this.
The third season continues the excellence of this show.
Anyone who saw The Wire and enjoyed it must see Treme, not only because it shares many of the same production crew and some actors, but because it is better than The Wire.
It draws together different strands of society and interweaves them in an intelligent, exciting and poignant storyline about post-Katrina New Orleans.
Slicker, more sophisticated and better acted than so much of what else is about.
The (Jazz and Folk) music is first class too.
O Yeah!
I have followed Treme from the first season til the third. I have enjoyed the touching storyline that is told from person to another. It is amazing how the people of New Orleans have managed to work through their problems, trials, disappointments, and tragedies. They have tried to overcome many obstacles and adversities. That is what some of the people have tried to do since their devasting ordeal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The cast in this series are extremely talented in their craft as they have tried to portray the good, the bad, the pain, and the up and down struggles of some of the residents of New Orleans. Bravo cast and crew. Press on citizens of New Orleans, change is gonna come.
Click to Editorial Reviews


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