Friday, October 4, 2013

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Not a Review, a Plea
This has always been a lifelong favorite of mine. The cast includes a sinister Boris Karloff. But, did you know that Boris Karloff played not only a sinister doctor, but also was made up by Jack Pierce as the Frankenstein Monster! That footage of Karloff as the Monster, was actually filmed yet removed prior to release! The scene took place in an office setting with the Monster trying to operate a typewriter. This film fan's dream, is to see this Technicolor footage placed in the supplementary section of the DVD release,at the very least. Hopefully the powers that control the wonderful films of Sam Goldwyn, will give us all that cinematic gift.
Danny Kaye at his best!
Possibly the best film that showcases Danny Kaye's many talents, but would love to see a blu ray release for it instead.

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