Monday, October 7, 2013

Jeff Who Lives At Home [HD]

8/10 - Very different
This was another one of those movies that I missed when it went into theaters, and it was also a film I really wanted to see. I'm a huge fan of Jason Segel's (Jeff) work, so naturally I wanted to see this. However, it was nothing like I expected.

I thought we'd follow Jeff through a point of his life that covered a week, a month, or any set period of time for that matter, but that's not really what happens. We follow Jeff through one crazy day in his life. Which isn't bad, but I feel they could've done more with the character had they expanded the amount of time the movie covered in his life. On top of that the movie is really short, running just over one hour and twenty minutes.

Jeff is a 30 year old stoner who currently lives in his mothers basement. He's recently been infatuated with the movie Signs, and is taking everything that happens to be some sort of sign. Jeff's main goal is to find some sort of greater purpose for himself. He feels lost in today's...
An Engaging and Powerful Movie
When I read the description and reviews of this movie, I was expecting a somewhat average movie - one worth watching once, and then probably forgetting shortly afterward. What a surprise!
The movie was engaging from start to finish. I loved the realism, the "presence" of the scenes, the slow but deliberate unfolding of the plot, and the strong acting, especially that of Ed Helms.
By the time the movie was almost over, I realized it was special and that I needed to purchase a copy of it. Then, as an added bonus, the ending was completely unexpected - and incredibly powerful.
I rented this, but I will definitely be purchasing a copy of it very soon. This is one to watch over and over.
I loved this movie. Its subtlety reveals so much about human relationships and interconnectedness. If you are struggling to find meaning for your life, this movie is right for you. Plus it has a good star cast.
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