Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tank Girl (Collector's Edition) [Bluray/DVD Combo] [Blu-ray]

Pure entertainment
Tank Girl is, make no mistake, a campy B sci-fi. It lives up to the genre perfectly, keeping a light, humorous tone in a world so dark that it would make most of us hide under the bed. It's probably no surprise that someone like Tank Girl would survive the apocalypse.

Lori Petty's character is perfectly witty, a girl who plays it large and in charge even when things are at their worst. She can kill an armed man and then answer the irritated stares of his buddies with "What?" While McDowell's character tries to break her in for a mission, she spends all her time coming up with lines to really get under his skin--and succeeds.

The complaints of some accusing McDowell of hamming up the role of the villain are unfounded; he not only plays the role perfectly, but does it so well that I don't think anyone else could have done it. He's playing the stereotypical megalomaniac bad guy, yes, but on top of that he adds a touch of class and intelligence. His repartee with Tank Girl...
Beautiful CULT favorite of mine.
I first saw this movie when i was 16 (now 21)... and i fell in love from the very beginning. I'd never call this "quality cinema," but it is thoroughly entertaining, and quickly became one of my favorite movies. The color is breath-taking, Lori Petty is absoltuely beautiful, sexy, funny, wonderful, etc. And this is just a kick-a#$% grrrl-power movie, without the corporate cheese that tends to come in the package. It is a fantasy world that i ventured to often as a teenager... and now with a DVD version, the journey can continue. ENJOY!
ULTIMATE chick flick....
Okay, I didn't just like this movie, I love, LOVE this movie. Yes, its campy, yes the plot line is bizarre, No I can't get a guy to watch it with me (but they won't watch Earth Girls are Easy either) but I just love this movies humor and girl power without being GI Jane.

Yeah, the Rippers (aka Kangaroo people) are a little scary, but they are genetically engineered kangaroo mutants who happen to be trying to find their creator. (I got over the Rippers scariness when Rebecca and Jet were high on helium and then doing that stupid dance.)

I think about this movie when I am down because most of the movie had me laughing my head off. But I guess this tells you about my personality because this movie isn't for everyone. Don't watch this movie expecting to learn anything or have a plot to follow. Just sit back, and enjoy the cartoons...and the fact that one of the main characters is a tank!

While I didn't know this was a comic first, I'm curious to see...
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