Thursday, October 10, 2013

Yumeria: Complete Collection

Life Sucks, Then You Dream
Yumeria is a 12 episode (300+ minutes) series that follows Tomokazu Mikori, your basic loser who admits that he is a pervert. On his 16th birthday, he falls asleep, only to enter a world where he meets Mone, a young girl who will alter past and future events. It is now up to Tomokazu to save those he cares about from the Faydoom, evil creations in the dream world that are trying to invade the waking world. If he fails, all will be lost and the future devastated. Whats a 16 year old, perverted-loser to do?

The series was pretty good and I found that the trailor that I viewed before I bought it didn't do the series justice. Yes, Tomokazu is a pervert in the series, but not to the extent that the trailor put him as, being as some people understandably don't like perverts. The story also reminded me somewhat of the Matrix in that it spans two worlds, where an event in one will affect the other. This is also one of those series where you have to watch in order to understand...
Plenty of Fan Service
Meet Tomokazu Mikuri, an average everyday boy leading an average everyday dull life. Then his 16th birthday comes and is yet another dull day in his life, but when he goes to sleep, he finds himself in a strange world. After looking around, he sees a giant monster and a little girl with wings doing battle with one another. The girl falls from the sky and Tomokazu saves her and using a power (that's currently unknown to him) recharges the girl so she can defeat the monster.

Upon waking, the girl from his dream is laying in bed with him. Tomokazu has inherited a special power, and that power is to save the everyday world and the dream world from fierce monsters made from the dark thoughts and feelings of people; bent on destroying both worlds. Tomokazu with Mone (the girl from his dreams) as well as childhood friend Mizuki, Kuyou, Neneko/Neito, Megumi, and a mysterious person known as Silk to defend both worlds from destruction. But they can only defend both worlds...
Mone Monene Mone...
I won't repeat the storyline. The animation is good and the characterization is as well. (Even if a little generic). Worth watching in either the dubbed or the subtitled version. Dubbing is very good, keeping the spirit and humor of the series. I'll say it's not spectacular, but it is above average. Voice acting is excellent, especially "Mone" who manages to convey her meaning throughout the series with only the word mone as dialog. It was worth the price.
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