Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mad Men: Season Six

a minority view here at amazon--i still love it
i notice that after 280 reviews that this show has an aggregate rating of three stars. i've read some of the reviews and amazon viewers in general seem to be underwhelmed with the show. i have been reading post episode analyses online plus listening to NPR podcasts about Mad Men. this amazon view is not being repeated there nor do i share it. i like the series as much as i ever did.

take a look at the poster shown on this page for the show. that is don draper both coming and going. look at the signs around him and the disjointedness of the art work. it is not an uplifting poster! this season opens at the end of 1967 and then jumps right into 1968 and the country as a whole is coming apart, just like the poster. so it is not just don draper's world which is being torn.

at the end of last season, much was made of the woman coming up to don and asking him "are you alone?". much has been written about whether that meant don was going to return to being a...
Slow and Steady wins the race....
Every season, the show starts off like an empty flower bed, takes roots and then blossoms. This season is no different. I think it's funny when people complain that Don Draper has no character growth. He's f'ing Batman. He's Tony Soprano. He is not supposed to change, you are just supposed to understand him better. Hoping for some growth from Joan and Peggy this season though and for Pete to do something beyond lust and jealousy. Mad for Mad Men!
An Ever-changing Story
Mad Men has had its good seasons and great seasons (5) .... but I never tire of watching the complexities of the characters being played out over a changing America. Having grown up during this era, I applaud the accuracy of the production. Instead of flashing the year across the screen or something like "6 years later ....", small droplets of newscasts, conversations indicate which year it is. Their comments about the world around them are familiar. Regarding characters: Roger gets better with age, Peggy grows up, Don continues to evolve and Pete realizes that no matter what he does, he can never match Don in deed or misdeed. I'll be sorry to see this series end.
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