Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Breaking Bad: The Final Season

Lightning in a bottle
Breaking Bad is a once in a lifetime, rare example of the type of show that raises the medium of television beyond the pit of mediocrity it usually resides in. Folks, please don't pass this one up - it may be a long while before another story of this caliber comes by again. This is a series that I will always cherish, and not just for the obvious reasons like the superb acting and the high stakes narrative -- but also for the fact that it gave me hope for the future of television, and the media's potential overall, to serve as a platform for talented writers and actors who actually have something inspired to say about the world we live in.
Breaking Bad is the best show I've watched on TV in Years. It is so well done, it's absolutely riveting. The script is so good and the actors so perfect, I can't take my eyes off the screen. The actoring is excellent and nuanced. I have watched Seasons 1-5 so far and am now going through them a second time, with my husband who is on his first go round. Even though I know what's coming, I'm seeing things I missed before and enjoying even more.
This is truly the most engrossing series ever. It is really hard to turn'll want to marathon. I've actually watched a whole season in one's crazy good. I just hate that there is only one more season to go, starting in early August on AMC, and am still amazed I didn't know about BB until a few months ago. This is a must see!
"The Final Season" Contains the Last 8 Episodes of the Series
THE FINAL SEASON Blu-Ray set contains the final 8 episodes of the series, plus bonus materials (including an alternate ending).

1. "Blood Money" Table Read - A rare look at the only final season Breaking Bad table read.
2. Cast and Crew Commentaries on Every Episode
3. Featurettes
- The Main Event
- The Final Showdown
- Life of a Show Runner
- Behind-the-Scenes of the Alternate Ending
4. Alternate Ending - A 3-minute alternate version of how Breaking Bad could have ended.
5. Deleted & Extended Scenes
6. Gag Reel
7. Walt's Confession
8. The Layers of a Sound Mix
9. Over 15 Episodes of Inside Breaking Bad
10. Uncensored and Extended Episodes


There are technically only 5 seasons of Breaking Bad. But season 5 has been split across two years.
- The first half of Season 5, or "5A", aired the summer of 2012.
- The second half of Season 5, "5B", is...
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