Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dexter: The Complete Final Season [Blu-ray]

Disappointing Season; Honest Assesment (with no big spoilers)
This is an honest review for the person who is actually considering buying season 8 and has presumably seen one or more previous seasons. (no one starts on the final season, do they?) With a couple minor exceptions, I won't spoil anything.

It seems many of the other reviews have taken issue with the plot; love it or hate it. I'm here to tell you, it's irrelevant. Why? An implausible or unrealistic plot will always be trumped by character development. If the characters are believable, likeable, captivating, and have chemistry with one another, the show will be fun to watch, irrespective of the plot. Imagine this for a plot line: "Protagonist serial killer rescues stepsister after she falls in love with doctor who is also a serial killer and protagonist's brother." Plausible? Not a chance. But it doesn't matter- everyone agrees, season 1 was one of the most enjoyable to watch. It was all because of the characters. Great characters make the story captivating regardless of how...
From Walking in Full Sunlight...
...to drowning in pure darkness.

It's been six months since Debra murdered LaGuerta to save his brother. While Dexter is living the high life, free from all clouds of suspicion, Debra has quit the force and is now working as a bounty hunter.

Dexter's concluding words in the last season, "We all make up our own rules" takes centre stage.

With the one constant relationship, the one unconditional support in his life gone, Dexter's tenuous grip on familial support is gone. Dexter must step up to the plate lest his sister go off the deep end in more ways than a few.

The dark secrets behind Harry's Code are revealed. Dexter is fleshed out in profound, minute detail.

Perhaps the strongest component of this powerful finale are the sheer quantity of challenging moral dilemmas the characters and viewers are confronted with. Without spoiling anything, I'll simply finish by saying that there is more here than in a thousand introductory ethics...
Outstanding (and sad) end of iconic show (spoilers ahead)
I am not sure what show the negative reviewers have been watching this season, but the final season of Dexter is nothing short of brilliant.

Why end Dexter the way they did? Read on:

The story of Dexter and what makes it so compelling is the journey he has been on. For eight incredible seasons we have witnessed him battle with his 'dark passenger' and watched as the dark passenger's grip weakened over time as Dexter needed less of the justice of the kills Harry and Evelyn built into Dexter as a self regulating 'code' system.

When Dexter finally lost that all important last person he cared about (and WOW was that a tearjerker of a scene), going on with a life like everyone else's was no longer an option. Dexter now realized it was NEVER an option. No matter how much he wanted that new life with Hannah and Harrison in Argentina, it was simply impossible now that he had to come to grips with all the people close to him who died because of who he is...
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