Thursday, October 17, 2013


Harrowing psychological family drama, a MUST SEE
I am a big fan of the on-going Film Movement DVD library of foreign and indie movies. This is the January, 2013 release in the Film Movement DVD of the Month Club, and will be released to the public at large in the months to come.

"Broken" (2012 release from the UK; 91 min.) brings the story of an 11 yr. old diabetic girl nicknamed Skunk (played by Eloise Laurence), who lives on a cul-de-sac in a very much middle-class neighborhood in Britain. At the beginning of the movie Skunk sees Rick, a young man living across the street, getting violently beaten up by yet another neighbor, Mr. Oswald. We later learn that one of Oswald's daughters, in order to save face, told her dad that Rick raped her, following which Oswalt in a rage pummels Rick. We meet other charachters like Skunk's immediately family (her dad is played by Tom Roth), and also Mike, the teacher and boyfriend of Skunk's live-in au-pair. Given the plot-heavy nature of the movie, to tell you much more would flat-out...
A fine independent movie. Touches the heart , especially for anyone with mental or developmental disabilities. A movie about different perceptions , emotional loss anger and ultimately forgiveness and love.
The Movie Was Real
I felt like this movie was a true story at moments because the characters lives seem so real, the gut wrenching pain and happiness that can collide together when trying to find your place in the world.
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