Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Devil Inside

Not nearly as bad as most peoPle are saying
I'm honestly shocked too see so many bad reviews. This movie was clever, disturbing, original, convincing and well-acted. There was nothing pedestrian about it, and it seems most people who dislike it tend to like the average, predictable films there are too many of. Many, not all seem to enjoy these. I for one love scary movies but hate gore, and hate predictable, disposable movies with a passion. I typically agree with the audience when there's a massive number of thumbs-down, but in this particular case, I completely disagree. Someone even said it was "boring". I wasn't bored for a second, so I have no idea what they're talking about, but I guess if you don't like movies about exorcisms or hauntings, you'll dislike this as well, obviously. As far as exorcism films go, it's one of the better I've seen.
the devil inside
Had a some hope for this one after reading reviews here however all was lost with the first scene...back to shaking camera and flashlight lighting. Man, when is it going to stop with this approach to low budget films. the fake documentary style is just so over done and stale ..glad it was a redbox flick(money wise) but still waste of time sitting through it. I like to rent movies because of all the crap on the tube but recently its been a wash with the movies coming out nowadays
and then there was unfortunately the end...
I went and saw this film when my boyfriend and I first started dating as just something to do. And for the most part we both REALLY enjoyed it! It was done in a documentary style that was relatively convincing. There were moments that I felt legitimently scared or concerned about what was going on. Throughout 99% of the movie I was very impressed and actually thought that it was one of the best horror films that I had seen in a long time. But then the end came. I have NEVER been so incredibly disappointed by the ending of a film I think ever. It completely killed the whole film for me, my boyfriend, and for everyone in the theater (or at least it seemed that way). The "ending" was so bad that I almost feel wrong calling it an ending. That was what made it so bad-- THERE WAS NO CONCLUSION! The screen just all of a sudden went black and then words popped up saying something along the lines of "no one ever found out what really happened."
So, in conclusion (see, there is such a...
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