Friday, October 4, 2013

Terms of Endearment [Blu-ray]

Terms of Estrangement
Reviewer "Adam Bomb" got tagged with a lot of "no" votes when he plainly wrote why he disliked this waste-of-time movie. I also saw it in a theater and came away the an identical feeling.
Is it unfair or unreasonable to hope that a movie will have some redeeming value for anyone who spends an evening's time and money to see it? What this movie has to offer is a viewing of people at their worst. Pathetic behavior in a movie is pointless if it has no point. This movie had no point, and that's the problem. It was just people manufacturing their own misery. So what? Poignant acting from star-power actors can carry a film so far, and then we look for value in human experience; this film offers only a black emotional void. See it if you enjoy only gloom and sadness.
One of my favorite 80's movies...
Fantastic characters, dialog, performances, story - extremely funny and moving. Nicholson, Daniels, Lithgow, MacLaine and Winger are all on top of their game, and even smaller roles like the kids and DeVito's are memorable. And this team?!: Director: James L. Brooks, Writers: Larry McMurtry (based on the novel by), James L. Brooks (screenplay)... Wow! A classic.
One Of The Greatest Films Ever
The title of this review says it all. Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jack Nicholson...the entire cast was spot-on. This is a superbly-written script with outstanding acting from everyone involved. The movie deserved to win Best Picture, and will remain one of my all-time favorites.
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