Friday, October 4, 2013

The House of Eliott, Series 2

The House of Eliot - Series 2
I greatly enjoyed both Series 1 and 2. The costumes are spectular. The plot can be a little tedious at times, but there is an impressive cast of different characters coming and going throughout the series. It's also pleasantly predictable, so a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the last episode is a mild cliff hanger, and later episodes aren't available. My compliments to for carrying these reviews. It was the only place I found that indicated that there are more episodes to come on DVD. Not even the BBC.UK website provided that information! Thanks, Amazon and volunteer reviewers!
a gem!
I rediscovered this after a long time. This is a great series.I had never seen this in its entirety and look forward to seeing the third and fourth which I understand is not out yet.Its a gem, love the storyline and costumes.,so authentic looking and of the period,even the dialogue.I wish there were more of this genre.
The House of Eliott
I thoroughly enjoyed Seasons 1, 2 and 3 of the House of Eliott. The acting was fantastic, the dresses magnificent and the locations, as with most English mini-series, marvelous. My only complaint is that it doesn't end!! THere is no closure to this. As you approach the last chapter of Season 3 you start to wonder how they are going to wrap it all up in the little time that is left, and - oh surprise! - things are left unsettled and you feel that you need one more season to see how things worked out for everyone! Is there any chance that there is a Season 4 out there somewhere????
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