Sunday, October 13, 2013


A very funny & entertaining movie that really makes a statement about brand marketing. I really enjoyed & highly recommend. A-
"Looking at a billboard is supposed to feel like love at first sight but it's not real, it's just marketing and without it you wouldn't even know who you are." Scat (Fernandez) is fresh out of marketing school with no prospects on the horizon until he comes up with an idea for a new energy drink. When he brings it to the attention of Six (Heard) he is excited at the prospect of becoming rich but a double cross changes everything. With the job I have I pretty much watch everything no matter what it is. I usually don't watch the trailers for the movie because I don't like when they give too much away. Doing it that way makes what I watch real hit or miss as far as how good it is. What I have noticed is that the lower budget movies that I haven't heard of are 99% of the time better then the "studio" movies. This is a perfect example of that. I don't know if satire is the right word but the movie to me shows how the marketing industry will do whatever it takes to sell a product and how...
Tons of fun
Based on Max Barry's first book. His 2nd book, "Jennifer Government", would make for a great action comedy. "Syrup" makes fun of marketing, relationships, and business management. Pacing is never slow, it's really a thinker's movie. I could see why it gets a lower-than-i'd-expect rating on IMDB - it might a bit too cerebral comedy for the average joe. I hope more people watch this.
Smart but real
I am that audience member that craves smart and witty writing with a dash of real life thrown in. Syrup is more than just about marketing or the guy trying to get the girl, but the people that chase dreams. Sometimes people get lost in a dream and sometimes people die trying to make that dream come true and for others their dream is seen for what it really is and what it holds. I found Syrup to be intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was definitely worth the $9.99 plus tax that I spent to rent this film.
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