Thursday, October 17, 2013

Night Vision

Spencer (Darryl Dougherty) is a womanizing reality TV show producer. Lance (Ali Adatia) is trying to pitch him a new show, one where you watch a man's life get destroyed. The womanizing Spencer doesn't like it. Reality shows must have scripts because real life is boring. The show must create excitement, and people must believe it.

The film opens with thriller music as we see a woman(Noelle DuBois) hiding a suitcase. The music was far more exciting then what was on the screen. Later that same woman shows up at Spencer's door "selling cookies." Spencer invites her in and she films them having sex using his equipment. She leaves with the tape. (Who uses tape anymore?) Spencer believes the woman is certifiably crazy.

When the house loses power, Spencer discovers his security system doesn't have a temporary battery backup, like the one in my trailer. The movie turns into an abduction film.

I fell in love with Noelle during the film, but Dougherty's...

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