Sunday, October 20, 2013

R.I.P.D. (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

The Dude kicks butt
This movie will not win any Oscars, I would guess, but it's a heck of a lot of fun.

Jeff Bridges was great, and It's nice to see a female star who is played as just smart, attractive and solidly in control rather than a brainless bimbo.

Ryan Reynolds does a solid job too. Great special effects.

I'd say a cross between Dead Like me and Men In Black.

Don't listen to the critics, this film was a blast to watch.
I Enjoyed the Performances
Interesting film depending how you look at it. This is not necessarily original or innovative film making. Yet, the characters sketched out save this film. There is good acting here. Great character studies. The surround sound was very impressive. What else are summers for? I liked it.
This Review Contains No Spoilers
I haven't read all the negative reviews, but I'm surprised that more people are not giving this movie 4 or 5 stars. I thought it was great. Jeff Bridges and Mary Louis Parker have great chemistry. Ryan Reynolds? I tend to agree with the reviewer who wrote that Reynolds just did not seem right for this movie. R.I.P.D is obviously a take on the Men-In-Black movies, but who cares? How many movies are its own version of Die Hard? The movie has plenty of action, and it also has some very funny scenes. I about lost it when Jeff Bridges describes what a coyote did to his skull after he died--and that's all I'm saying. Just know it's one of the funniest movie moments ever!! R.I.P.D is approximately 90 minutes long. I appreciated there were no scenes where I found myself wishing things would move on. It's a fun movie with lots of action, mostly good acting, and a sci-fi plot that was not overly far-fetched. Go watch it. You'll be glad you did.
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